Transport Canada Proposed Changes to TDG Regulations to Harmonize With International Standards

Transport-Canada-Logo2Transport Canada has proposed changes to the TDG Regulations that will support harmonization of the regulations with international standards. Some of the proposed changes affecting the propane industry include:

  • Automatic adoption of reference codes (B339, B340, B62, B621);
  • Exemptions for some propane cylinders used to fuel hot air balloons;
  • Allowing of DOT cylinders to be filled in Canada; and
  • US recognition of TC Equivalency Permits.

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Bonding of Bulk Delivery Vehicles

This article, related to the requirements of bonding bulk delivery vehicles, first appeared in the 2014 Nov/Dec edition of Propane Canada Magazine.

Bonding Clamp

I have recently been involved in a project that looked at the regulatory requirements for bonding between a propane delivery vehicle and the propane container being filled.

The project’s scope included a review of the following documents:

  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations – Part 1 Classification, Clauses 2.13 & 2.14;
  • CSA-B622-03 Selection and Use of Highway Tanks, Multi-Unit Tank Car Tanks, and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods;
  • CSA-B620-09 Highway and TC Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods;
  • CAN/CSA-B149.1-10 Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code Sections 7 & 8;
    Canadian Electrical Code;
  • National Fire Code of Canada Clause 4.1.8 (;
  • Alberta OHS Code;
  • Alberta OHS Explanation Guide;
  • BC OHS Regulation;
  • NFPA 58 LP Gas Code Handbook Clauses & A3.7.1.3;
  • United States OHSA Regulations; and
  • Static Electricity in the Propane Industry published by the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC).

Acts, Regulations, Standards & Codes

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act & Regulations
1075 PlacardThe handling and transportation of propane is governed by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act and Regulations. The regulations govern the construction of bulk transport vehicles with respect to the propane tank and attached components used in the transfer to or from the bulk transport vehicle.  The TDG Regulations also govern the loading and unloading of the bulk transport vehicle. The TDG Regulations classify propane as a Class 2.1 Flammable Gas.

This Standard is adopted by the TDG Regulations and states under the heading of Loading and Unloading, that “a means of containment shall not be used where a fire hazard exists; precautions have been taken to prevent a difference in electrical potential between conductive surfaces and to ensure safe dissipation of static electricity through bonding or grounding, or both, as appropriate”.

Comment: The Standard stipulates that a container cannot be used where a fire hazard exists and requires that precautions be taken to prevent electrostatic discharge.

CAN/CSA-B149.2 Propane Storage & Handling Code
The Code applies, for purposes of this document, to the storage, handling, and transfer of propane and the installation of containers and equipment to be used for propane at customer locations.

The Code states that all tank trucks, tank trailers, and cargo liners must be designed, fabricated, and marked in accordance with the requirements of CSA B620.

The electrical requirements of the Code and the sections dealing with propane cylinder and tank filling are silent on the subject of controlling static electric charges during the propane transfer between the containers and a propane bulk transport vehicle. However, the Code does state that, where specified for the prevention of fire or explosion during normal operation, ventilation is considered adequate where provided in accordance with the provisions of the Code.

The Code requires that propane is transferred from one container to another by a person who is the holder of a certificate recognized by the authority having jurisdiction. The propane container must be filled in a location that is well ventilated.

Comment: For purposes of this document the CSA-B149.2 Code is silent and does not provide any regulatory requirements with respect to the issues of static electric charge during the process of transferring propane from a propane bulk transport to a consumer’s propane cylinder or tank.

The National Fire Code
The Code does speak to the control of static electric charge, however, the Code states that it does not apply to the transportation of flammable liquids or combustible liquids under the TDG Regulations.

Comment: For purposes of this document the National Fire Code requirements do not apply. The Code references the TDG Regulations when it comes to handling and transporting propane.

Canadian Electric Code
The objective of the Code is to establish safety standards for the installation and maintenance of electrical equipment. The scope of the Code covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises. This includes factory built relocatable and non-relocatable structures, and self-propelled marine vessels stationary for periods exceeding five months and connected to shore supply of electricity continuously or from time to time.

Comment: For purposes of this document the Canadian Electrical Code requirements do not apply. The Code does not specifically address the issues of controlling static electric charge during the process of transferring propane from a propane bulk transport vehicle to a consumer’s propane cylinder or tank.

Alberta OHS Code
The Alberta OHS Code states that “if the work requires that the contents of metallic or conductive containers be transferred from one container to another, an employer must ensure that static electricity is controlled while the contents are being transferred.”

Comment: The OHS Explanation Guide when referring to Section 163 (2.1) states that “when transferred into or out of containers, flammable liquids can cause a static charge to build up on the container. This charge could create a difference in voltage potential between the containers, creating the possibility of an incendive spark igniting the vapours from the liquid. Effective control of static electricity can include actions such as grounding and bonding.”

The OHS Explanation Guide published on the Alberta Human Services website clarifies that the product under discussion in Part 10 Section 163 (2.1) is flammable liquids, not a flammable gas such as propane.

For purposes of this document the Alberta OHS Code Part 10 Section 163 (2.1) requirements do not apply. The Code requirements for bonding or grounding are for flammable liquids, not flammable gases such as propane.

B.C. OHS Regulation
The Regulation states that metallic or conductive containers used to transfer flammable liquids must be electrically bonded to each other or electrically grounded while their contents are being transferred from one container to the other.

Comment: While the B.C. OHS Regulations discuss the requirement for Flammable Gases in other clauses within the same section, the specific clause for grounding or bonding references Flammable Liquids only, not Flammable Gases.

For purposes of this document the B.C. OHS Regulations requirements do not apply as they only require bonding or grounding for flammable liquids, not flammable gases such as propane.

NFPA 58 Code
NFPA 58 is an American Code that is not mandated for use in Canada. That being said, NFPA Codes and Standards are often used when an equivalent Canadian Code or Standard does not exist or for comparison of requirements where a Canadian Code or Standard does exist.

On the subject of grounding or bonding, NFPA 58 Code stipulates that grounding or bonding is not required. The NFPA 58 Handbook explains “because liquefied petroleum gas is contained in a closed system of piping and equipment, the system need not be electrically conductive or electrically bonded for protection against static electricity.”

American Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OHSA) Regulations
These regulations state that “since liquefied petroleum gas is contained in a closed system of piping and equipment, the system need not be electrically conductive or electrically bonded for protection against static electricity.”


Static Electricity
Static electricity is generated when liquids move and come into contact with other materials. If the accumulation of static is sufficient, a spark may occur in the presence of a flammable vapour-air mixture, and ignition may result. Where a static spark and flammable mixture may occur simultaneously, suitable preventative measures are required to avoid ignition.

Static Electricity Danger 01Propane industry experience has shown that there have been a number of fires and explosions in which an electrostatic charge was the source of ignition. For this to occur liquid propane must be released at a high velocity, creating a mixture of liquid drops, then vapour, air, and water drops (due to condensation of water vapour in the air from the refrigerating effect of vaporizing liquid) can generate an electrostatic charge. This charge might be of sufficient energy to cause ignition of the mixture.

High-pressure propane liquid releases as described in the previous paragraph can occur when the pressure relieve valve (PRV) on a liquid-full propane container releases the liquid propane to the atmosphere due to over pressurization of the propane container. PRVs are installed within the 20 percent vapour zone on top of the liquid propane. This type of electrostatic charge is not created during the normal propane transfer process from a bulk transport vehicle to a consumer’s propane cylinder or tank.

Fire Hazard Analysis
Fire TriangleFor a fire hazard to exist, three components – fuel, air and an ignition source must be present. The ignition source must occur simultaneously with the fuel vapours and air being mixed at the point of ignition within the fuel’s range of flammability.  For propane, the flammability range is 2.4 to 9.5 percent volume in air, and requires an ignition temperature of 493⁰ to 549⁰ C. Below 2.4 per cent, the mixture is too lean to ignite. Above 9.5 percent, the mixture is too rich to ignite. Removing one or more of the three components removes the fire hazard.

Propane Liquid Transfer
The transfer of propane liquid between the bulk transport vehicle and the consumer’s cylinder or tank is a closed system with the delivery hose fill nozzle being threaded to create a leak tight seal to the fill valve of the propane container prior to the transfer of liquid propane taking place.

A minimal amount of controlled propane vapour/liquid is released to the atmosphere during the filling process through the fixed liquid level gauge. The gauge indicates when the propane container is filled to its maximum permitted volume. Once the container is filled, the gauge is shut off, stopping the release of propane vapour to the atmosphere.

Filling ASME Storage tankThe fill nozzle releases a legislated amount of propane liquid, approximately 2 to 4 cc to the atmosphere when the nozzle is first loosened from the container’s fill valve. This propane, along with any released from the fixed liquid level gauge, is well dispersed by the time the fill nozzle is removed from the fill valve of the container. If a static electric arc should occur at this point, there is no fuel to ignite.

Preventing Fire Hazards
Fire hazards, when filling customer’s propane containers, are controlled in several ways:

  1. Fill valves on the propane cylinders and tanks are made of brass, eliminating sparks from metal-to-metal contact;
  2. The metal propane-receiving cylinders and tanks are installed in contact with the ground;
  3. The actual transfer of liquid propane to the cylinder or tank is a threaded connection within a closed system, eliminating a static electric charge build-up due to liquid flow from arcing during the fill process;
  4. The B149.2 Code governs the distances that cylinders and tanks must be located from a source of ignition;
  5. Propane cylinders and tanks are filled outdoors in well-ventilated areas;
  6. Propane released during the filling process is low pressure and well dissipated by the time the fill nozzle is disconnected from the brass fill valve; and
  7. Operators are required to wear clothing which will not generate static electric charge while transferring propane.

The seven items listed above prevent the three essential components occurring simultaneously, which are needed to have an area or process classified as a fire hazard.
Therefore, the volume filling of a consumer’s cylinder or tank does not create a fire hazard. In addition, the existing operating procedures and equipment utilized satisfy the requirement that precautions are to be taken to prevent electrostatic discharge during the transfer process.


Current industry practices provide suitable preventative measures to avoid ignition of any propane released to the atmosphere during the filling of consumer propane containers. Therefore the need for bonding between a propane bulk transport vehicle and propane containers during the transfer process is not required.

There are no legislative requirements that require a person to bond between a propane bulk transport and a customer’s cylinders or tanks during the transfer process. The only legislated requirement to ground or bond is provided in the TDG Regulations where a fire hazard exists or precautions to prevent electro-static discharge have not been taken.

As stated above, current industry practices provide suitable preventative measures to avoid ignition of any propane released to the atmosphere during the filling of consumer propane containers. Therefore, the TDG Regulations do not apply and the need for bonding between a propane bulk transport vehicle and propane containers during the transfer process is not required.

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Keeping Regulatory Training Current

Most records of training for compliance training are valid for three years. A lot can happen in terms of regulatory requirements in three years. This article, summarizes information from two articles which first appeared in the Sep/Oct and Nov/Dec 2014 editions of Propane Canada Magazine. This article discusses the importance of ensuring you are keeping regulatory training current so that your employees remain properly trained.


As detailed in previous articles earlier this year the B149.1 – Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code and the B149.2 – Propane Storage and Handling Code have been extensively amended for publication by the Canadian Standards Association in 2015.

Also, the B149.3 – Code for the Field Approval of Fuel Related Components on Appliances and Equipment and the B149.5 – Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on Highway Vehicles will have new Codes published by the Canadian Standards Association in 2015.

The provincial adoption of the 2015 codes will start to take place sometime after January 2015.  Some provinces adopt the codes as soon as they are published, while other provinces adopt several months later.  It is, therefore, important that, as users of the Codes, you are aware of when your particular province will adopt the Codes that regulate the work you perform.

Ontario Adoption of Codes

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01Ontario has issued an Ontario Code Adoption Document (CAD) for both 2010 editions of B149.1 and B149.2 codes which become effective October 1, 2014. The CAD adopts many of the changes that will appear in the 2015 editions of the B149.1 and B149.2 codes.  The CADs are available on the TSSA website for download.  Significant changes made by the Gaseous Fuels amendment include:

  1. Permitting press-connect fittings;
  2. Re-classifying clothes dryers in accordance with the certification standard;
  3. Adding a new section regulating unvented heaters installed in livestock or poultry facilities;
  4. Incorporating Director’s Order FS-051-04 (re B-Vents not certified for exterior applications installed outdoors) into the code, for ease of reference; and
  5. Adoption of TSSA-MFSE-2014 for field approval of mobile food service equipment.

The Propane Storage & Handling Code Adoption Document adopts the 2010 edition of the Code and new requirements approved by the B149.2 and B149.5 Code Committees for the 2015 Code which are considered important to be implemented in Ontario now and addresses gaps in the current codes to enhance safety.

Major changes in this version include the following:

  1. New definitions added for “construction site” and “cylinder exchange”;
  2. New requirements for cylinder storage, including storage at construction sites and rooftops;
  3. New requirements for cylinder exchanges;
  4. Reiterating the need for compliance with Branch Standard #9 or a full risk and safety management plan for facilities in heavily populated or congested areas; and
  5. New certification requirements for valves, components, and accessories for propane vehicle conversion; replacing IGAC Protocol 01-97.

Code Updates Referred to in TDG Regulations

At the same time there is a new, 2014 edition of the B620 – Highway Tanks and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and B622 – Selection and Use of Highway Tanks, Multiunit Tank Car Tanks, and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Class 2.

While Transport Canada recently adopted the 2009 editions of the CSA/B620 and CSA/B622, the 2014 editions are completed and ready for adoption. It is important for one to keep abreast of the latest Codes and Standards as you know eventually any new requirements will become law.

Training Requires Updating

Once the Codes and Standards are adopted there will be an immediate training need for persons who perform work that is regulated by these documents.  In Ontario, this is October 1, 2014, which means that training programs that are used by the propane industry to train people must reflect the latest regulatory requirements as of October 1, 2014, for Ontario and in other provinces early next year.

This does create some issues as the current Record of Training (ROT) retraining requirements are once every 3 years, which means that people can actually be working in the field for up to 3 years before they are trained on the new regulatory requirements.


Given that 2015 is the year for the issuance of new codes it may be advisable for employers in certain segments of the industry such as gas technicians, propane cylinder, cargo liner and bulk delivery and propane construction heating, to have their employees trained on the new requirements rather than wait until such time that the person’s ROT is up for renewal.

One of the largest impacts is going to be in the construction industry where the requirements for the storage and use of cylinders have been extensively amended. If your cylinder delivery driver is not aware of the new requirements he could inadvertently create a non-compliance situation which could result in fines and disruption of service to your customer.

For example, Ontario Director’s Order FS-095-06, issued November 2013, states that “when distributors provide fuel to tanks or cylinders not connected to the premises, the distributor shall ensure that the fuel storage is compliant with Ontario Regulation 211/01”.

If not aware of the new requirements, the contractor who uses the propane cylinders and construction heaters can also inadvertently create a non-compliant situation which could result in fines and impact the ongoing construction of the building. The contractor could also be at a disadvantage from an efficiency perspective if he does not know the new requirements with respect to the use and storage of propane cylinders on rooftops.

Another example is the increased size of cylinders which may be stored in cylinder exchange cabinets. Due to demand from the RV industry, the maximum was changed from 20 lb. 30 lb. cylinder sizes. The cabinet maximum capacity of 500 lb. (25 x 20 lb., or 16 x 30 lb., or a combination thereof) has been maintained. If you were not aware of these new requirements you could be missing out on an opportunity to serve the recreational market with the larger propane cylinders.

The CSA-B620-14 has new requirements for “off truck emergency shutdown system” to include tanks in non-metered propane delivery as well as engine shutdown when the engine air intake senses flammable vapors. When adopted, drivers of unmetered deliveries need to be trained in the inspection and use of these new requirements

It does not make economical or practical sense to train people with outdated training programs. As indicated by the examples above it is crucial to one’s business that employees are trained in understanding the latest regulatory requirements.

Status of publication of the 2015 series of CSA Codes and Standards

2015 B149.1 – Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code
The committee last met on June 12, 2014. Public Review took place from March 12 to May 12, 2014; and all comments were dispositioned and resolved. There was a general consensus on the draft and it proceeded to the editing stage. The ballot for the approval of the Code has been issued for committee review. A meeting of the Technical Committee (TC) will take place in February 2015 if needed for the disposition of ballot comments. Publication in both English and French is scheduled for August 2015. The next Technical Committee meeting is planned for the week of June 8, 2015, in Niagara Falls, ON.

2015 B149.2 – Propane Storage & Handling Code
The committee last met on June 11, 2014. Public Review took place from March 12 to May 12, 2014, and all comments were dispositioned and resolved. There was a general consensus on the draft and it proceeded to the editing stage. The ballot for the approval of the Code has been issued for committee review. A meeting will take place in February 2015 if needed, for the disposition of ballot comments. Publication in both English and French is scheduled for August 2015. The next Technical Committee meeting is planned for the week of June 8, 2015, in Niagara Falls, ON.

2015 B139 – Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment
The Technical Committee last met on June 24-26, 2014 to disposition Public Review comments and finalize the technical content in the Draft. The ballot for the approval of the Code took place from Sept. 3 to Oct. 3, 2014. The scope has been changed to include fuel oil storage tanks of all sizes including underground tanks. The Code is now divided into two major parts, B139.1 – Large Installations and B139.2 – Residential and Small Commercial Installations. Publication is scheduled for April 1, 2015, in both English and French.

Gas Appliances and Related Accessories
The CSA Gas Technical Committee held a joint meeting with the U.S. Z21/83 Technical Committee on Sept. 30. 2014. The following new standards were approved:

  • CSA 3.8, Gas-fired Equipment for Drying Crops;
  • Z21.10.1/CSA 4.1, Water Heaters Volume 1; Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3, Water Heaters Volume Ill;
  • Z21.54/CSA 8.4, Gas Hose
  • Connectors;
  • Z21.19/CSA 1.4, Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel;
  • Z21.56/CSA 4.7, Pool Heaters; and
  • Z21.58/CSA 1.6, Outdoor Cooking Appliances.

Oil Burning Appliance Standards (B140 Series, B211 & B212)
The B 140 series of Standards have been reaffirmed; however, they are in need of review and updating. The last Technical Committee meeting was held on May 2, 2012. CSA will be looking at reconstituting the TC to begin work on these documents.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors Standard
The Technical Committee has been reinstituted for a new edition of the CSA 6.19 standard. The TC’s first meeting was Sept. 25, 2014, with the publication date projected for September 2016.

Introduction of the Fuels Learning Centre

Recent events provided a business opportunity for me to partner with Bill Egbert in the creation of a new training provider for the fuels industry.  The company is called Fuels Learning Center Limited (FLC) which will not only provide training modules to the propane industry but also the fuel oil and natural gas industries.

Fuels Learning Centre

As most of you are aware Bill was for many years, the General Manager of the Propane Training Institute. I was under contract to the Canadian Propane Association to write new training programs and update existing programs with the latest technical and regulatory requirements.

The Fuels Learning Centre currently has nine provincially approved training courses which reference the latest regulatory requirements of the Codes and the Standards to be adopted:

These programs, when successfully completed, will provide the provincially acceptable ROT and where required the TDG qualifications for persons who need to be trained in the handling and use of propane.  We have been able to streamline these programs to focus more on what a person needs to know and less of what is not required to know to safely perform their tasks.


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