New Brunswick Adopts Updated CSA Codes into Regulations

On July 14, 2017, Technical Inspection Services of New Brunswick issued a notice to Gas Industry Stakeholders adopting the most recent versions of CSA codes and standards within their Propane, Natural and Medical Gas Regulations.  This includes the 2015 versions of the B149 series and the 2014 edition of the B51 Boiler, pressure vessel, and pressure piping code.

To read and download a copy of the notice, click on the “Read More” button below.

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TSSA Issues Updated Propane Code Adoption Document Amendment

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01On April 10, 2017, TSSA published an updated amendment to their Propane Code Adoption Document.  This document adopts the 2015 versions of the B149 codes into regulation and provides additional requirements specific to compliance with theses national codes in Ontario.  This Code Adoption Document (CAD) revokes previously published versions, including the CAD published on February 1, 2017.


To read and download a copy of the CAD, click on the “Read More” button below.

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TSSA Issues Propane Code Adoption Document Amendment

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01On February 1, 2017, TSSA amended their Propane Code Adoption Document.  This document adopts the 2015 versions of the B149 codes into regulation and provides additional requirements specific to compliance with theses national codes in Ontario.  This Code Adoption Document (CAD) revokes previously published versions, including the CAD published on September 15, 2016.


To read and download a copy of the CAD, click on the “Read More” button below.

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TSSA Issues Updated Propane Code Adoption Document Amendment

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01On September 15, 2016, TSSA has amended their Propane Code Adoption Document.  This document adopts the 2015 versions of the B149 codes into regulation and provides additional requirements specific to compliance with theses national codes in Ontario.

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British Columbia Next Jurisdiction to Adopt 2015 Versions of B149 Codes

British Columbia Logo 01In July 2016, British Columbia became the next jurisdiction (and one of the last) to adopt the new 2015 versions of the CSA B149 codes. On July 28, 2016, Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minster Responsible for Housing and Deputy Premier amended the Gas Safety Regulation, BC Reg. 103/2004. The adoption of the codes will take effect on November 1, 2016 with the rest to be adopted one year later on November 1, 2017.

On November 1, 2016, the following CSA codes will be adopted:

  • CSA-B149.1-15 Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code;
  • CSA-B149.3-15 Code for the Field Approval of Fuel-related Components on Appliances and Equipment;
  • CSA-B149.5-15 Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Containers on Motor Vehicles;
  • CSA-B109-14 Natural Gas for Vehicles Installation Code;
  • ANSI/CSA-B149.6-15 Code for Digester Gas, Landfill Gas, and Biogas Generation and Utilization;
  • CSA-B108-14 Compressed Natural Gas Fuelling Stations Installation Code; and
    Annex D, “LNG vehicle fuelling stations”, to CAN/CSA-Z276-15 Liquefied natural gas (LNG)- Production, storage, and handling.

One year later, on November 1, 2017, the following CSA codes will be adopted:

• CSA-B149.2-15 Propane Storage & Handling Code; and
• CSA-Z662-15 Oil & Gas Pipeline Systems


The CSA-B149.1-15 was published by the Canadian Standards Association in August 2015. Each Province and Territory of Canada puts into law (adopts) the various Codes on their own specific regulatory schedule. The Gas Safety Act also amends specific clauses within the Code body to address regional requirements.

Specific Clause Amendments

APPENDIX 1 of BC Reg. 103/2004 provides the specific clauses that are amended in CSA-B149.1 Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code including:

  • The definition of “gas system” is used for the production, handling and utilization of digester gas in a wastewater treatment plant, (ii) landfill gas at a landfill site, or biogas.
  • Adding the definition; “biogas” to mean a gas produced in a digester at a location other than at a wastewater treatment plant; and as” by adding”, biogas” after “landfill gas”.
  • 3 Section 28 (8) is amended by adding “or liquefied natural gas” after “liquefied petroleum gas”.
  • The remainder of the amendments are used to renumber the clauses to accommodate the insertion of new clauses.

Significant Changes to B149.1

To assist you in understanding the more significant changes in the B149.1, the following is a list of key changes within the 2015 version of the code including:

  • Recognition of press connection joints;
  • Permitting the use of press-connect fittings on underground piping and tubing systems;
  • Use and installation of direct-fired door air heaters that were originally certified to withdrawn Standard CGA 3.12 or CAN 1.3 12-78;
  • Listing of installation instructions for refurbished Direct Gas-Fired Make-up Air Heaters that have not been manufactured since 2002;
  • To accept check valve technology to prevent flue products backflow issues for common venting of appliances with positive pressure venting;
  • To recognize the different types of appliance installations and connector applications;
  • Permanently installed appliances where the gas connector is designed not to be repeatedly moved or disconnected/connected to the piping system;
  • Movable appliances where the connector is designed for repeated movement, disconnects, and reconnections;
  • Gas connectors for outdoor use;
  • Quick disconnect devices or gas convenience outlets;
  • To recognize the use of a permanently mounted certified hand-operated gas connection outlets that provide a means for connecting and disconnecting an appliance to the gas supply piping by way of a gas hose or gas connector;
  • Clarification of how an appliance is to be connected to the gas piping system, which addresses the use of corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) systems and tubing system installations and recognizes the use of gas convenience outlets;
  • Use and Installation of appliances and equipment for mobile homes; and
  • Clarification that an outdoor air supply to an enclosure can be sized using either table 8.3 for appliances having draft control devices or table 8.4 for appliances not having draft control devices.

Impact of One Year Delay on Adopting B149.2

One of the key additions within the 2015 version of the CSA B149.2 Propane Storage and Handling Code is the requirement for documented operating procedures and ongoing maintenance procedures. The delay in adoption will allow operators of propane filling plants and refill centres to come into compliance with the new requirements.

Please note that the above is not a complete listing of all of the amendments to the Codes. Each person using the Code must be in possession of the 2015 edition to identify all amendments.

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Inspection of Propane Systems on Recreational Vehicles

This article, related to the inspection of propane systems on recreational vehicles first appeared in the 2016 Jan/Feb edition of Propane Canada Magazine.

In recent articles, I have mentioned that the province of Ontario is in the process of developing Code Adoption Documents (CAD) that would amend and adopt the 2015 B149 series of codes.  One of the new requirements is the inspection of propane systems installed on Recreational Vehicles (RVs) equipped with a permanently mounted propane tank.

Inspection of Recreational Vehicles in Ontario

Propane Tank on RVProposed revisions in the Ontario 2016 Propane Code Adoption Document will require RVs equipped with permanently mounted propane tanks to have the pro-pane appliances, propane piping system and tank inspected on a five-year cycle.  An RV that successfully passes the inspection process will be affixed with two labels to identify that the unit is acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for the onboard propane tank to be filled.

The RVs in question are actually motorhomes, as these are the only RVs that have permanently mounted propane tanks.  Other RVs are towed vehicles that use propane cylinders to supply fuel to the propane appliances installed in the units.  The only difference with respect to the propane systems on board between the motorhomes and towed RVs is the actual propane container; the piping systems and appliances are installed in accordance with the CSA standard regardless of whether the unit is self-propelled or towed.

Inspection Process

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01To obtain the two labels a motorhome owner will have to take the unit to an RV dealer, propane supply or heating contractor who has the staff with the appropriate propane certificates to inspect the appliances and piping system and issue a certificate indicating the appliances and piping system are acceptable.  Then, the owner must take the unit to a Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) Registered Conversion Inspection Facility to have the tank inspected by a person with an ICE certificate.  The Registered Conversion Centres will be the only ones able to obtain and affix the two labels required directly from TSSA.

To provide some perspective on the magnitude of the inspection requirement, there are currently over 25,000 licensed motorhomes in the province of Ontario.  If the requirements in the CAD are adopted, each motorhome will require 2 inspections, by different service providers, so that the owners can have affixed the labels that will permit the propane filling attendant to fill the propane tank.  This works out to a total of 50,000 inspections.

There is also a question with respect to new motorhomes sitting unsold on dealer lots. Unless the dealer puts the motorhome through the inspection process, these brand-new units at the time of sale will not have the two propane labels required in order for the propane tank to be filled.  This means that the first thing the new owner must do is arrange for his/her brand-new unused unit to go through the 2-part inspection process in order to obtain the necessary labels.

Rationale and Risk

I suspect that one of the drivers for the inspection of the propane tanks on RVs may be the requirements for the inspection of tanks and fuel systems on converted vehicles where propane is used as an engine fuel.  Vehicles converted to run on propane are usually fleet type vehicles such as taxis, limousines, and delivery which are on the road every day 365 days a year regardless of the weather conditions.  Conversely RVs are usually limited to summer use and in the winter are relocated to the southern climates where snow or ice and salt does not have the same impact on exposed propane tanks.

If there is a need, risk or safety driven, to inspect the propane piping and appliances on a motorhome, one must ask, why would these requirements not apply to a towed RV as these vehicles operate in the same outdoor environment?  While I can appreciate that the owner of a towed RV can remove the propane cylinders and the filling attendant may or may not see the RV, reducing control for compliance, the inspection requirements of the propane piping system and appliances on motorhomes creates an uneven playing field between an RV that is self-propelled and one that is towed.

If the risk is the corrosion and failure of the permanently mounted exposed propane tank, then it would make sense to look to the inspection of the tank only, say on a 10-year cycle, which would, in essence, parallel the propane container inspection required for propane cylinders installed on towed RVs.

The current inspection model being promoted in Ontario is risk-based where the assessed risk drives the frequency of inspection.  While there certainly have been incidents in the past with the propane systems and appliances installed on RVs, we have no sense of the frequency nor have we seen any data to indicate the risk to the general public warrants the inspection the propane systems and appliances on a regular basis.

Barriers to Compliance

I did a considerable amount of research, on the TSSA website, Yellow Pages, 411 and speaking with people in the industry in an attempt to identify the number of TSSA Registered Conversion Centres that could perform the propane tank inspection and affix the two labels.  My best guesstimate is less than 25 such facilities that are primarily located around the Golden horseshoe.  Two facilities were located in Sault Ste. Marie.  My research failed to identify whether all of these facilities could accommodate the inspection of propane tanks on large motorhomes.

For example, I was told that Canada Post has a registered conversion centre which is used strictly for their own vehicles and would therefore not be available to inspect propane tanks on motorhomes.  My question is, if I had trouble finding the location and number of registered conversion centres, how would one expect a motorhome owner to find this information.

Given the limited number of inspection facilities, their geographic locations, and the sheer number of motorhomes to be inspected the proposed requirements will create a substantial barrier to compliance.  This will disadvantage the motorhome industry in Ontario and could very well deter the consumer from purchasing a motorhome to be licensed in the province.

In addition, propane filling attendants in Ontario will require training to identify and recognize the new label requirements.

Out of Province RVs

Filling RV Propane TankThe requirements will also need to address out-of-province or out-of-country motorhomes that can either be vacationing in Ontario or travelling through.  How will these owners get propane if they do not have the necessary labels attached to the vehicle?  The propane fill attendants are instructed not to fill any propane tanks on vehicles unless the vehicle has the appropriate labels displayed to show that it meets the requirements for the province of Ontario.

Action Being Taken

I have been retained to assist the Ontario RV Dealers Association in an effort to address the issues identified. A letter outlining the issues has been sent to the chair of TSSA’s Propane Risk Reduction Group.  At the time of writing this article, we are awaiting a response.


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Adoption of 2015 Versions of B149 Codes


This article, related to the adoption of 2015 versions of B149 codes, first appeared in the 2015 Jul/Aug edition of Propane Canada Magazine.

I recently chaired the CSA B149.1 Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code Technical Committee meeting and attended as a member of the CSA B149.2 Propane & Storage & Handling Code Technical Committee meeting Niagara Falls, Ontario.

As you are all aware CSA will be publishing the latest editions of the B149 series of Codes in August 2015.  I thought this would be an opportune time to provide information on the provincial and territorial adoption dates of the Codes and to reiterate a couple of sections of the new Code that I believe need to be highlighted, namely maintenance and operating procedures and PRV replacement in cylinders.

Also, this edition of Propane Canada magazine is focusing on temporary heat; so I thought it would be appropriate if I highlighted some of the key regulatory changes coming in the next Code edition with respect to construction heating.

Adoption of 2015 CSA Codes

One of the agenda items was the adoption of the 2015 B149 series of codes.  The following chart provides the latest proposed adoption dates for each of the provinces and territories.  While this is the latest information available it is best to follow up on a regular basis with your provincial or territorial Authority Having Jurisdiction to see if the dates listed will actually be implemented.

B149 Adoption Table

Why You Need to Obtain the 2015 Codes

B149.2 Edition
The following are some of the highlights of the 2015 edition of the B149.2 Propane Storage & Handling Code:

  • Transfer of clauses to other standards in the B149 Series to make the Code more comprehensive and streamlined;
  • New definitions for construction sites, cylinders in storage and connected for use;
  • New clauses for construction sites, tank heaters, vaporizer installations and propane storage facility operation and maintenance.

B149.1 Edition

The following are some of the highlights of the 2015 edition of the B149.1 Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code:

  • Updated scope provides guidance on metallic fittings, stainless steel tub-ing, pressure regulators for propane vehicle usage, direct gas-fired pro-cess air heaters and more;
  • Consolidated clauses from other Codes in the B149 Series make the Code more comprehensive and streamlined;
  • New clauses for mobile homes, rec-reational vehicles, highway vehicles, outdoor food service units, and wash-mobiles include specialized re-quirements;
  • Simplified references and definitions allow for improved application of the standard’s clauses.

Pre-Order Codes
CSA is currently offering, on their web-site, several different 2015 B149 Code packages that you can pre-order.  CSA will also be publishing a handbook for the B149.1 Code.  The latest technological advancement is a complete inter-active version of the B149.1-15 and the B149.1-15 Handbook for your iOS or Android tablet or mobile device.

New Propane Facility Maintenance Requirements

The purpose of the new clauses in the code is to provide a minimum standard for the operation and maintenance of propane facilities and equipment.  The new clauses apply to tank systems, filling plants, container refill centres and other facilities where liquid propane is piped to a vaporizer or process.  Because there are many variables, it is not possible to prescribe a set of operation and maintenance procedures that will be adequate from the standpoint of safety in all cases without being burdensome and, in some cases, impractical.  Industry association publications and training programs provide guidance to individuals preparing site specific procedures and may be referenced.  The proposed clauses establish a baseline or minimum standard.

The maintenance procedures are to cover testing, inspection, monitoring and documenting of the equipment, its repair, and general upkeep.

There is also a requirement for persons who perform maintenance on facility propane systems to be trained in the hazards of the system and in the maintenance and testing procedures applicable to the facility.

Replacement of PRVs for Propane Cylinders with Dome Covers

This requirement addresses the conflict between the B149.2 Code and the CSA-B339 Standard currently adopted by Transport Canada.  The new clause means that the owner of a propane cylinder equipped with a pressure relief valve, previously exempted from replacement by their installation under the dome cover, will now have no conflicting requirement to be used as an argument for not replacing the pressure relief valve at the time of the 10-year cylinder inspection and requalification.

In fact, the new clause is very specific by stating that the PRV is to be removed and replaced with either a new relief valve or one that has been tested to and complies with CGA S 1.1, and found acceptable for use.  The clause also requires that a replacement valve has the PRV and dip tube length sized for the cylinder.

There are also new record-keeping requirements listed in the Code which require the facility conducting the visual inspection and requalification to maintain records showing the results of the inspection and requalification until the date of expiration of the requalification period; or the date the cylinder is reinspected.

Personally, it is my opinion that anyone not already replacing the PRV, at the time of requalification of cylinders, such as 420 lb. propane cylinders have been putting non-compliant propane cylinders back into service.  The requirement to replace the PRV at the time of the visual inspection and requalification for PRVs protected by a dome cover has been in the CSA-B339 for several years.

Temporary Construction Heat

The chart indicates that provinces will be adopting the 2015 Codes in the middle of this heating season. This means that you must be aware of the new and amended requirements for temporary construction heat. The main focus of the new requirements is the storage, handling and use of propane cylinders at construction sites.

In order to understand how the new requirements will impact their day-to-day activities, cylinder delivery and bulk truck drivers who service the sites must have the knowledge of how to comply with the new requirements.

New 2015 B149.2 Definitions

Connected for Use – this new definition is to clear up the confusion as to whether the propane cylinder is in use or storage when connected to a construction heater and the construction heater is not operating. The definition stipulates that a propane cylinder connected to an approved appliance (construction heat-er) regardless of whether the heater is operating or not is to be considered in use, not storage as some have interpret-ed in the past.

Construction Site – the clause expands on what exactly is a construction site and provides the guidance as to when the site can be considered a construction site for the storage, installation, and use of propane cylinders.

New or Amended Clauses

Cylinder Not Connected for Use – requires cylinders not connected for use to be housed in acceptable storage sites and further clarifies that a propane cylinder connected for use is not considered in storage.

Storage of Cylinders – Provides storage requirements and, under certain conditions, permits cylinders to be stored on the roof of buildings under construction and clarifies acceptable “outdoor” storage by identifying proper and safe storage options that reflect conditions on construction sites.  The requirements are based on the hazards (gas accumulation, vehicular traffic, hoisting, etc.), rather than focusing on the location alone.

Presently, rules from various parts of the Code that were not intended to address construction activities are being referenced to regulate construction activities.  Even with changes to the 2010 version, it is a struggle to understand which sections of the B149.2 are likely to be applied on construction sites by an inspector.  The result is confusion for workers and trainers on what constitutes compliance, in-consistency in enforcement, and disagreement on the job site over safety.

Moving Cylinders – When moving propane cylinders on construction sites by elevator, hoist, or escalator, it was only assumed that other clauses within the Code not specifically related to a construction site would not be referenced and applied on construction sites. The new specific clause with some modification for construction, makes the acceptable means clear to both users and regulators.

In Conclusion

It’s imperative that supervisors, propane technicians and those who deliver cylinders and bulk propane are familiar with the latest Code requirements.  To be proactive, a person should order and obtain the latest editions of the Codes from CSA as soon as the Codes are published in August 2015.  This will give an opportunity to train on the latest requirements and to understand the impact these new requirements will have on your company prior to their adoption by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in your province or territory.

The Fuels Learning Centre offers training programs addressing the 2015 Code requirements for cylinder requalification (Visual Inspection & Requalification of Propane Cylinders – SO01) and the use of temporary construction heat (Construction Heaters and Propane Cylinders at Construction Sites – AV02).


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Keeping Regulatory Training Current

Most records of training for compliance training are valid for three years. A lot can happen in terms of regulatory requirements in three years. This article, summarizes information from two articles which first appeared in the Sep/Oct and Nov/Dec 2014 editions of Propane Canada Magazine. This article discusses the importance of ensuring you are keeping regulatory training current so that your employees remain properly trained.


As detailed in previous articles earlier this year the B149.1 – Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code and the B149.2 – Propane Storage and Handling Code have been extensively amended for publication by the Canadian Standards Association in 2015.

Also, the B149.3 – Code for the Field Approval of Fuel Related Components on Appliances and Equipment and the B149.5 – Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on Highway Vehicles will have new Codes published by the Canadian Standards Association in 2015.

The provincial adoption of the 2015 codes will start to take place sometime after January 2015.  Some provinces adopt the codes as soon as they are published, while other provinces adopt several months later.  It is, therefore, important that, as users of the Codes, you are aware of when your particular province will adopt the Codes that regulate the work you perform.

Ontario Adoption of Codes

Ontario - TSSA Logo 01Ontario has issued an Ontario Code Adoption Document (CAD) for both 2010 editions of B149.1 and B149.2 codes which become effective October 1, 2014. The CAD adopts many of the changes that will appear in the 2015 editions of the B149.1 and B149.2 codes.  The CADs are available on the TSSA website for download.  Significant changes made by the Gaseous Fuels amendment include:

  1. Permitting press-connect fittings;
  2. Re-classifying clothes dryers in accordance with the certification standard;
  3. Adding a new section regulating unvented heaters installed in livestock or poultry facilities;
  4. Incorporating Director’s Order FS-051-04 (re B-Vents not certified for exterior applications installed outdoors) into the code, for ease of reference; and
  5. Adoption of TSSA-MFSE-2014 for field approval of mobile food service equipment.

The Propane Storage & Handling Code Adoption Document adopts the 2010 edition of the Code and new requirements approved by the B149.2 and B149.5 Code Committees for the 2015 Code which are considered important to be implemented in Ontario now and addresses gaps in the current codes to enhance safety.

Major changes in this version include the following:

  1. New definitions added for “construction site” and “cylinder exchange”;
  2. New requirements for cylinder storage, including storage at construction sites and rooftops;
  3. New requirements for cylinder exchanges;
  4. Reiterating the need for compliance with Branch Standard #9 or a full risk and safety management plan for facilities in heavily populated or congested areas; and
  5. New certification requirements for valves, components, and accessories for propane vehicle conversion; replacing IGAC Protocol 01-97.

Code Updates Referred to in TDG Regulations

At the same time there is a new, 2014 edition of the B620 – Highway Tanks and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and B622 – Selection and Use of Highway Tanks, Multiunit Tank Car Tanks, and Portable Tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Class 2.

While Transport Canada recently adopted the 2009 editions of the CSA/B620 and CSA/B622, the 2014 editions are completed and ready for adoption. It is important for one to keep abreast of the latest Codes and Standards as you know eventually any new requirements will become law.

Training Requires Updating

Once the Codes and Standards are adopted there will be an immediate training need for persons who perform work that is regulated by these documents.  In Ontario, this is October 1, 2014, which means that training programs that are used by the propane industry to train people must reflect the latest regulatory requirements as of October 1, 2014, for Ontario and in other provinces early next year.

This does create some issues as the current Record of Training (ROT) retraining requirements are once every 3 years, which means that people can actually be working in the field for up to 3 years before they are trained on the new regulatory requirements.


Given that 2015 is the year for the issuance of new codes it may be advisable for employers in certain segments of the industry such as gas technicians, propane cylinder, cargo liner and bulk delivery and propane construction heating, to have their employees trained on the new requirements rather than wait until such time that the person’s ROT is up for renewal.

One of the largest impacts is going to be in the construction industry where the requirements for the storage and use of cylinders have been extensively amended. If your cylinder delivery driver is not aware of the new requirements he could inadvertently create a non-compliance situation which could result in fines and disruption of service to your customer.

For example, Ontario Director’s Order FS-095-06, issued November 2013, states that “when distributors provide fuel to tanks or cylinders not connected to the premises, the distributor shall ensure that the fuel storage is compliant with Ontario Regulation 211/01”.

If not aware of the new requirements, the contractor who uses the propane cylinders and construction heaters can also inadvertently create a non-compliant situation which could result in fines and impact the ongoing construction of the building. The contractor could also be at a disadvantage from an efficiency perspective if he does not know the new requirements with respect to the use and storage of propane cylinders on rooftops.

Another example is the increased size of cylinders which may be stored in cylinder exchange cabinets. Due to demand from the RV industry, the maximum was changed from 20 lb. 30 lb. cylinder sizes. The cabinet maximum capacity of 500 lb. (25 x 20 lb., or 16 x 30 lb., or a combination thereof) has been maintained. If you were not aware of these new requirements you could be missing out on an opportunity to serve the recreational market with the larger propane cylinders.

The CSA-B620-14 has new requirements for “off truck emergency shutdown system” to include tanks in non-metered propane delivery as well as engine shutdown when the engine air intake senses flammable vapors. When adopted, drivers of unmetered deliveries need to be trained in the inspection and use of these new requirements

It does not make economical or practical sense to train people with outdated training programs. As indicated by the examples above it is crucial to one’s business that employees are trained in understanding the latest regulatory requirements.

Status of publication of the 2015 series of CSA Codes and Standards

2015 B149.1 – Natural Gas & Propane Installation Code
The committee last met on June 12, 2014. Public Review took place from March 12 to May 12, 2014; and all comments were dispositioned and resolved. There was a general consensus on the draft and it proceeded to the editing stage. The ballot for the approval of the Code has been issued for committee review. A meeting of the Technical Committee (TC) will take place in February 2015 if needed for the disposition of ballot comments. Publication in both English and French is scheduled for August 2015. The next Technical Committee meeting is planned for the week of June 8, 2015, in Niagara Falls, ON.

2015 B149.2 – Propane Storage & Handling Code
The committee last met on June 11, 2014. Public Review took place from March 12 to May 12, 2014, and all comments were dispositioned and resolved. There was a general consensus on the draft and it proceeded to the editing stage. The ballot for the approval of the Code has been issued for committee review. A meeting will take place in February 2015 if needed, for the disposition of ballot comments. Publication in both English and French is scheduled for August 2015. The next Technical Committee meeting is planned for the week of June 8, 2015, in Niagara Falls, ON.

2015 B139 – Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment
The Technical Committee last met on June 24-26, 2014 to disposition Public Review comments and finalize the technical content in the Draft. The ballot for the approval of the Code took place from Sept. 3 to Oct. 3, 2014. The scope has been changed to include fuel oil storage tanks of all sizes including underground tanks. The Code is now divided into two major parts, B139.1 – Large Installations and B139.2 – Residential and Small Commercial Installations. Publication is scheduled for April 1, 2015, in both English and French.

Gas Appliances and Related Accessories
The CSA Gas Technical Committee held a joint meeting with the U.S. Z21/83 Technical Committee on Sept. 30. 2014. The following new standards were approved:

  • CSA 3.8, Gas-fired Equipment for Drying Crops;
  • Z21.10.1/CSA 4.1, Water Heaters Volume 1; Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3, Water Heaters Volume Ill;
  • Z21.54/CSA 8.4, Gas Hose
  • Connectors;
  • Z21.19/CSA 1.4, Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel;
  • Z21.56/CSA 4.7, Pool Heaters; and
  • Z21.58/CSA 1.6, Outdoor Cooking Appliances.

Oil Burning Appliance Standards (B140 Series, B211 & B212)
The B 140 series of Standards have been reaffirmed; however, they are in need of review and updating. The last Technical Committee meeting was held on May 2, 2012. CSA will be looking at reconstituting the TC to begin work on these documents.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors Standard
The Technical Committee has been reinstituted for a new edition of the CSA 6.19 standard. The TC’s first meeting was Sept. 25, 2014, with the publication date projected for September 2016.

Introduction of the Fuels Learning Centre

Recent events provided a business opportunity for me to partner with Bill Egbert in the creation of a new training provider for the fuels industry.  The company is called Fuels Learning Center Limited (FLC) which will not only provide training modules to the propane industry but also the fuel oil and natural gas industries.

Fuels Learning Centre

As most of you are aware Bill was for many years, the General Manager of the Propane Training Institute. I was under contract to the Canadian Propane Association to write new training programs and update existing programs with the latest technical and regulatory requirements.

The Fuels Learning Centre currently has nine provincially approved training courses which reference the latest regulatory requirements of the Codes and the Standards to be adopted:

These programs, when successfully completed, will provide the provincially acceptable ROT and where required the TDG qualifications for persons who need to be trained in the handling and use of propane.  We have been able to streamline these programs to focus more on what a person needs to know and less of what is not required to know to safely perform their tasks.


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